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The Educational Enterprise Foundation was established in May 1991 by the Polish-American Enterprise Fund and the State Treasury represented by the Minister – the Head of the Council of Ministers Office. In September 1997 the Polish-American Enterprise Fund and the State Treasury appointed the Foundation Council, the body supervising its operation.


In the years 1995-2002 the Foundation was financed only by the American partner: in the years 1995-2000 by the Polish-American Enterprise Fund and since 2001 it has been financed by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation that was established.

Since 2002, apart from the Polish-American Freedom Foundation, among the partners who finance operation of the Educational Enterprise Foundation there have also been prestigious Polish organizations and institutions participating in implementation of the Bridge Scholarships Program.

The Polish-American Freedom Foundation, the L. Kronenberg Bank Foundation, Narodowy Bank Polski as well as the Narodowy Bank Polski Foundation have been the sponsors of prizes in the Entrepreneurship, Finance and Management Competition since its very beginnings.

In the years 2004-2013 the Foundation conducted an academic scholarships program co-financed by non-state universities and colleges.


Since 1991 the Educational Enterprise Foundation has been supporting the higher education contributing to entrepreneurship development and creation of the intellectual capital. We have always considered actions resulting in an easier access to and quality of higher education our prime goal. Since 2002 we have been involved mainly in implementation of scholarship programs for students. The Program Projektor joined us in 2017.

Since our establishment we have spent PLN 156,5 mln on implementation of educational initiatives, including PLN 135 mln on funding 49,000 of different types of scholarships. Over 68,000 of people have participated in our programs. Since its beginning, student-volunteers from the Program Projector have realized over 36,000 educational projects for kids and teens from villages and small towns.

Since the beginning of our existence, we have allocated almost PLN 156.5 million for the implementation of educational projects, including over PLN 135 million to finance almost 49,000 different types of scholarships. Over 68,000 people have benefited from our scholarship programs. Since the beginning of the Projektor program, student volunteers have implemented 36,000 educational projects for children and youth from villages and small towns.